Beyond Skin Medi Clinic

IPL hair Reduction

IPL Hair Reduction treatment targets unwanted Hair growth over a course of treatment’s_ It uses non-invasive, broad-spectrum light to “treat unwanted hair on The face and body.

Using Intense Pulsed Light Technology, we aim to cause targeted destruction of hair follicles without causing thermal trauma to the surrounding tissue.

The IPL system can include the use of SHR, IPL and Dual Mode handpieces.

Some cases are considered unsuitable for

  • Fitzpatrick Skin Type VI, Grey, White, Blonde.
    or Strawberry Blonde hair.
  • Very fine hair regardless of colour.
  • Clients who are contraindicated to


8-12 treatments once every 4-8 are required to achieve an effective result. This will depend on the area treated.

Maintenance will be every 3-6 months (client dependent)


SHR stands for Super Hair Reduction and is the latest breakthrough innovation in IPL permanent hair reduction.

When compared to traditional IPL hair reduction treatments, SHR is faster, easier and best of all – pain free!

With SHR, you can experience comfortable hair reduction treatments in less than half the time of a traditional IPL session. The gradual heating method of the IPL SHR light delivery to the targeted hair follicle also means that treatments are comfortable and pain-free.

Treatments are suitable for a wide range of skin types and hair colours. Your clinician will discuss your expected results during your consultation.


This depends on your individual hair type. Most clients require 8-10 sessions to achieve optimum results though hair will reduce and become finer with each treatment. For some, maintenance treatments may be required to achieve a lifetime of smooth skin. This will depend on a range of factors, which your clinician will discuss during consultation.  

Treatments must be conducted at regular intervals. These vary depending on the area being treated. As an example, the face may be treated at 2-4-week intervals, while the chest, back and legs may be treated every 8 weeks.

Facial hair will take 7-10 days to fall out while body hair may take 2-3 weeks. Individual results will depend on your skin type, hair coarseness and natural growth cycle. Your clinician will be able to provide more information on what you can expect based on your individual situation during your consultation. 

E-Light Hair Reduction

E-light is an amazing new technology producing 3 times more efficiency by combining IPL and Radio Frequency to work at reducing lighter hair where traditional laser and IPL hasn’t been effective.

Another benefit to the E-light is the ability to treat darker skin tones due to its ability to reach deeper and not effect Melanin.