Beyond Skin Medi Clinic

Lactic Peel

Lactic acid peels are made from AHA (alpha hydroxy acids). They are very mild with a very small chance of any visible peeling so no downtime is associated with this treatment.

​You wont experience any burning just a prickly heat which is quite comfortable.

​Perfect option for sensitive skin.

Lactic acid peels are wonderful for mature skin, as well as dry or oily skin. A lactic acid peel usually range from 30% to 70% in concentration with more than one treatment usually needed for the desired effect.

Generally a series of 4-6 weekly lactic peels is beneficial and we do offer them for a packaged price.


  1. Exfoliate

  2. Deep cleaning the pores

  3. Stimulate natural collagen production

  4. Even-out the skin tone

  5. Smooth and hydrate

  6. Improve hyper pigmentation of the skin.

Jessners Peel

A Jessners peel is a combination of three different acids which are Lactic, Salicylic and Resourcinol.

It is one of the most effective peels at removing superficial layers of the skin to lighten pigmentation, minimise fine lines and correct sun damage.

Jessners peels are also well known for their effects on acne prone skin due to their ability to clear congestion and remove excess oils while minimising acne scarring.

Please note: Visible peeling usually occurs from Day 3-10 post treatment. Strict avoidance of UV is imperative at this time to ensure the safety of your skin.

This peel is not appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, chronic skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, rosacea or cystic acne and prophylactic anti-viral medication is recommended for people who suffer from cold sores.

Preparation on a Vitamin A is highly recommended for 2 weeks prior to this peel to ensure better results and less sensitivity to the peel.

Three days prior to the peel all exfoliants and active serums such as Retinol and Vitamin C must be stopped.

TCA Peel

A TCA peel is a medium strength chemical peel that more than likely will require a week of downtime. However, their benefits greatly outweigh the time off!

They can be used not only on the face, but also the hands, back of the hands and the neck. They last about 6 months in time and will generally require more than one peel to get the desired effects.


Things to know prior treatment

This peel is not appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, chronic skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, rosacea or cystic acne and prophylactic anti-viral medication is recommended for people who suffer from cold sores.

There are several things that one should do prior to the treatment. First off, while this is completely optional, using a retinol serum for two weeks prior to the peel. This will ensure that the peel penetrates the skin further and a more even skin peeling is done.

Three days prior to the peel all exfoliants and active serums such as Retinol and Vitamin C must be stopped.


  • Stimulates new skin cells for long-term health

  • Exfoliates dead skin cells for immediate clarity

  • Lightens pigmentation for an even skin tone

  • Promotes younger looking skin by diminishing wrinkles

  • Improves skin elasticity, hydration and texture

  • Reduces appearance of pore size and prevents breakouts

  • Menthol and Cucumber Flower Extract soothes and cools